Monday, December 4, 2006

give me sugar!!!

my sweetie keeps dum dum suckers and super bubble gum in his office for the kids in the church. ella knows about all of the goodies dad keeps in his office. dad is a push-over for his little girls sweet tooth. all she has to do is look into his eyes and say "i want sucker." sometimes she will even use the word please.

yesterday, after the service, chris was holding ella and talking to another staff member when ella grabbed his face (think home alone), turned his head to be face to face with her, stared directly into his eyes and said "i want sucker".

we had great laugh. kid just not know how cute she is.

Friday, December 1, 2006

smarty pants #1

me: ella if you are good today, we will go see the christmas lights later.

ella: i go see lights now.
me: we have to wait until it is dark outside.
ella: okay.
(five minutes pass and another conversation later)
ella: when is it going to be dark?

>i kid you not. my 26 month old completed the above sentence as it is written. i am continually amazed by her grasp of the english language. soon, she will be correcting my grammar like my mom.